Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Apparent Cry for Dr. Gerrard's Crown

... or how about 'Insider's so secret, we can't identify them for fear of exposing that there are no Liberal insiders...."

So now this is how we sell newspapers. We publish stories 'leaking' nonsense from fictitious 'party insiders'. We all pretend like we are peering under the secret hood of the big red machine, a place so darned unknown that the party insiders need publisher protection to speak. We act all in the know and smart about the implosion of a Manitoban institution based on 'special knowledge' courtesy Liberal party insiders (is that an Oxymoron...?)

Really, guys?

And the other day remember I wrote about how hard I was laughing? Well, its died down enough for me to type now. So let's get to it.

Look at the Manitoba Liberal Party leaders of the past. Some pretty cool folks who, had they been elected as Premiere, would likely have steered us down a very different set of roads. The ones who were elected are credited with much back in the day. Characters with personalities big like buses.

Until around 15 years or so ago, that is.

That's when the effects of the polar squeeze really got going. The first-past-the-post polarization of political choices (right / left) hit Manitoba hard, and the Liberal party stumbled. Not knocking those who stepped up, mind. Its a tough job no matter who you are, some say the toughest job in Canadian politics.

The collapse of the Liberal vote last Federal election, combined with NDP scare tactics, really served to polarize the Manitoba Provincial vote even further. You have one vote to keep the PC bogey man from the door.... who you gonna call?

Voila. Don't bother studying recent Manitoban Liberal political history. I just summed it up for you. Free of charge.

Anyways, along comes a country Doctor recently hailing from a Federal Minister's address in Ottawa. This is about the time the party leaderships was really messy, remember? And then it wasn't. The country Doctor was in the house.

He has polarization and then Federal Liberal Collapse to deal with. He has a party in... some trouble to deal with. He has an NDP government that pays its supporters very well, thank you, to deal with. This is a damned, damned tough gig he gets, but he picks up the yoke and proceeds. Everywhere.

All year long, all around Manitoba, in the strangest and the most urgent of places, the country Doctor is there. (Is it any wonder he drives a Prius?) In the 'Leg and the news, he gets as much press and attention as the PC's do in total. A great whack of the more progressive and sane policies adopted by the Kings and Queen's of Orange have his fingerprints on them.

The guy works his tail off, is what I'm saying.

In that whole time, no-one has leveled any charge of shenanigans against Dr. Jon. He has never disappointed anyone in the quantity or quality of his effort. That is obvious, right? Right.

So, what's the problem, eh? Why call for the crown of the only elected member you got? Why bare the only elected Red head in the Province? Why urgently 'kick out' the only MLA who is universally well regarded and thought to have bottomless integrity?

Why, indeed, kiddies. Why, indeed.

How about these apples.

The Manitoba Liberal party, other than the good country doctor, has largely disappointed.

And someone needs to take the blame.

And blaming the Lord Above is getting old, and it never helps anyway.

So in character, the country Doctor steps up and takes one more bullet for the party by not saying the following:

"What frickin' party insiders?"

Instead, by their demand he relinquishes the crown of a party deep in debt, lost in space, squeezed between the poles, shrinking fast, and pointing fingers.

Now if it was me, I'd be Fed-Ex'ing that sucker to them. See ya', thanks for the fish.

But knowing the good Doctor, he'll likely hand it over sadly and reluctantly. This is a man that did not want things to get worse on his watch. It is not what he is about, and he likely would battle another five years to try and turn things around.

That's him, but not me. Not many of us, right?

You know I'm right, right?

So there you have the last honorable act as Leader of a man who did great justice to his job. 'I'm the leader, I'll take responsibility, I'll step down.'

Or is it his last act... he still has 2 years to play with.


(Oh and hey, charging for memberships? Really, guys? Are you trying to close shop with one last big fire sale? I now take back my earlier prescription for a better free membership. Clearly will be lost on you anyhow.)

Now, I could be wrong, and there really could be party insiders. And they might be calling for new leadership. And if that is the case, then hey insiders, have some guts and step into the limelight for a while, ok?

(....he says from his anonymous blog... ya, I get the irony, folks....)

Seriously, Snickers. Get Some Nuts, and step out into the light of day.

(psstt... there's no-one there...)

Hey, here's something controversial to chew on. I say Dr. Gerrard should switch to NDP and run the Health file. All parties should swallow their pride and just do the right thing.

Who's with me?


Ciao, folks.

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