Wednesday 21 September 2011

Grits To Announce Platform, Some Wait to Breath Again...

Its official, the Liberal Platform for the 2011 Manitoba Election is Printed.

The big question on everyone's mind is... will the Grits show their difference maker, or not?

I'm holding my breath, hoping the Liberals offer a truly different form of governance. If it takes much longer, I might turn blue... so lets hope, folks. Let's really hope.

Difference makers would stands up, point out management problem YY, and says 'We won't do that anymore. We will be different. We're going to do XX, resulting in good things like AA and BB.'

We'll be different, and here's how. So simple, watch this.

It's a *4 step program:

Step 1: Identify the problematic management technique.

Eg. NDP shovels money to local health authorities and says 'you figure health out.'

Step 2: Illustrate real effects of the problem.

Eg. Health authorities blow the wad on micro-managing local bureaucracies that achieve not nearly enough. We all suffer badder health. Badder health is... bad. Obviously.

Step 3: Identify your better management technique.

Eg. Health Ministry sets clear goals, pays for results. Rebellion against the largess bureaucracy.

Step 4: Illustrate real effects of better management technique.

More results = gooder health. Gooder health is... good.

(I know, so simple a child could write it, right?)

Our poor friend the Blue Rod (hang in there, buddy, hang in there...) points out the obvious: our youth are leaving. Our children are flocking off to greener pastures. You know the eventual effect of that (*cough cough... welfare state... cough cough.... just sayin'...)

Children figure, hey, if the grown-ups in Manitoba can't figure out a 4 step process like the above, they are too stupid to hang around. They will not do well, and lets get the hell out of dodge.

Manitoba is the parent on welfare that a child leaves early to make a better life for themselves. The kid that finally understands why they were born (more welfare) and rejects the premise. Its deep philosophical stuff, if you let your mind go there.

Kids are not looking for daycare promises, although they agree we should do better. They are not looking for health, education, crime, decorating, or fashion ideas from the Grits.

They are looking for change in management ideas, a la the 4-step program above.

The keystone kids listen to mommy and daddy come home from work (the best welfare suckers work for the province, right?) and complain about how they didn't do anything of worth today. How they witnessed waste, largess, fraud, and all manners of shenanigans. How they hate their job, and hate their boss, and hate themselves for being so complicit in the whole sad affair.

It happens.

So hey, Liberal party.

Show us your different governance techniques. Tell us that we already spend enough money, so we don't need to borrow any more. Tell us we could do better with less money if we demanded results.

Tell us 'everyone knows that's just the way is goes..' is dead. Tell us how you will get my mommy and daddy off the welfare gravy train.

We are all children of the keystone province. We all desperately need a difference maker to emerge. So come on, big red machine. Let Dr. G. do what he does best, and show us how we will really make a difference.

Or not, I suppose. It was just a suggestion, ok?

(*Bolding techniques brought to your courtesy of the Black Rod. All Rights Reserved.)

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