Wednesday 29 February 2012

Manitoba United Cast: Sandra Who-skins?

Ah, the Free Press, Manitoba's great gift to clarity of purpose. We see ulterior purpose each time they put ink on newsprint about Man U, don't we?

Well, don't we?

Case in point (as if you needed it...): Sandra Who-skins (Hoskins.)

Sandra What-skins?

Heh .....

Ok, ok, sorry, sorry Sandra. To be fair, you ran in an election, and apparently you are on the Liberal board, so the Internet remembers you at least.

The Internet remembers when you said:

"Why are you running?
Three years ago, my daughter contacted Gary Doer, Theresa Oswald, Hugh McFayden and Jon Gerrard. Jon Gerrard was the only politician who responded to request for help. Jon helped us navigate the health care system to have my daughter placed on the waiting list for a double hip transplant. Six months later, my daughter had both her hips replaced one week apart. It fundamentally changed her life. From this experience, I have learned that one person can make a significant difference in the lives of others. I am running to make a difference for the voters in Dawson Trail.

Do you remember, Sandra, when the man who the Free Press says you just called a toxic obsequious toad of a carnival barker, inspired you through his right actions to take part in the political process?

Well, the Internet remembers, Sandra Who-skins. And now everyone who reads this blog does, too.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me be so very clear on the topic of why the Manitoba United party is a requirement for the next Manitoba Provincial election.

I present to you:  Sandra How-skins

Because persons like Sandra are so involved in it, the current Liberal Party of Manitoba holds very, very low attraction for most right-minded persons. And we are legion.

The ideas that the party is to represent (which ones? Watch Jon for a while, it becomes obvious...), these core ideas get lost in the grade-school rhetoric of a who-gives-a-crap 'party insider' like Sandra Hoskins. Yeah, I actually know her name.

Because the Winnipeg Free Press (a misnomer if there ever was one, 'cause it ain't cheap to buy this paper...) prints Sandra little ranty, and not the real story, they win the award for most transparent ulterior motive of the year. (If we're lucky, the Black Rod (s) will hand them the prize.... go get'm big guy (s))

Sandra is an important character in the Manitoba United cast due mainly to the 'what we must reject' nature of her role. You have to walk away from her, you just have to, and that's a cool chunk of cathartic art right there. I could not have written her any better myself (and I have mad skills, and you know that.)

Oh, and by the way, Manitoba Party? Umm... did anyone hear that the name is taken? Oh you did? And you still refer to the new party as the Manitoba Party? Oh... did you ever hear of the law? I mean, like, ever?

Manitoba United Party.

It is inevitable.

Thanks to people like Sandra, the time is nigh.

Thanks Sandra. You made a difference after all.


  1. When Preston Manning formed the old Reform party he did so by starting with a known and well articulated agenda for change. I believe that he was quite right and that is why it had staying power. Compare that to what appears to be the case in Manitoba where the undefined new entity is beginning to attract those who would use it for their own purposes as opposed to any stated purpose. A few people need to get together and produce a profile or some philosophical groundwork of what it stands for. Then new adherents would sign on and stay on based on shared values. At this stage, any initiative towards MU is incredibly fragile and could be irreparably damaged by the wrong kinds of steering from self serving, wild eyed people.

  2. Uncle Bob, you have such keen radar for the top of the nail.

    I present two obvious cornerstones, being the end of vote-splitting-natural-ruling-party politics, and forming a government-in-waiting worthy of the title. In Sask., the rallying cry centered around the NDP 'ineptitudes'. While this might be a worthy third cornerstone pre-election, it fade fast if Man U wins, so I don't like it.

    I have two more cornerstones (I'm big on four corners...). Yet I worry a bit about spelling out the whole enchilada under a secret identity modeled loosely after the fake Steve Jobs blog character. I mean, hardly Preston Manning-like, right? I can't even register Manitoba United, because then everyone would know who I am... not that I am too consequential an individual, but still.

    Sorry, sounding a little me, me, me here. But if not me, then who, who, who?

    There the rub. Maybe we need to ask Cherenkov...
